Wednesday 11 September 2013

Fever London Tote Bag

Remember my pair of Noiselle heels? I won them through an online competition. 
I rarely compete in these sort of share and like competitions, but in May I did it again. 

It was a Fever Wedding Belle competition. I had to comment on the question: "What would your ultimate honeymoon be?" I think I could have won a bridesmaid dress (would have been handy with all the weddings I was facing at that time... I had my eye on the Ivy Gown in Merlot.).
I can't remember what my answer was. I tried to look it up, but couldn't find it.
Anyway, the reason I need to dig my memory is that the competition was in May and someone had sent me a Facebook message the same month. The problem is that I recently (read: last Friday) discovered that my Facebook account has two inboxes instead of one. Apparently messages from people you don't know end up in the 'other' inbox without sending you a notification (or I clicked to remove). I had multiple unread messages in that inbox and one of them was from Lauren, working at Fever. I won a prize in the competition. I apologised for my late reaction and asked her if I could still redeem it. Today, my mailbox contained a flowered tote bag and a voucher for the online shop.
Me = happy :-) !

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