Saturday 16 November 2013

Koh Tao: Big Blue Diving Day Two - Into the Sea

Day 16
Ok, this didn't go as well as I had hoped...
When we got up this morning the sky was telling us rain would come. And it did in the morning. It wasn't a biggy, we had to pass our exam first anyway! I passed :-) 47/50

The wind didn't make it easy on us in the afternoon. We had to take the boat to our diving spot, but the waves made most of us really sick. I was already worried about the weather, about my first dive and then the seasickness came to hassle me. I started to panic a little bit and at one point I almost fainted because I was so sick. After a shake from my boyfriend to wake me up I managed to finish our buddy check and to dive into the water. I managed to calm down from the moment I jumped into the sea. 
Diving hand signal: 'Problem'
When I had to go down into the water it became really bad. During my buddy check I expressed my worries about my regulator. At the swimming pool I used another regulator that worked fine. I wasn't comfortable using this one, because I had the feeling my air passed through it in two times while I inhaled once. Hard to explain, though. Everyone said it was normal, but when I got under the water it really bothered me. It felt like I couldn't get enough air, so I started panicking. I was maybe half a meter below the water with my head, so I indicated there was a problem and asked to go up. My instructor saw I was panicking and couldn't calm me down so I went up. She told me to go back to the boat. I immediately started crying, because I really wanted to do this! I had to climb back onto the boat. I drank some water and calmed down. Failure.

If that wasn't enough for today, our banks blocked our cards and we were running out of cash. With our last money we managed to call to the bank's office to see what the problem was. Luckily, everything got resolved and we were able to withdrawal some money from the ATM again.

Positive about my day:
Although I didn't dive, I got to see some fish anyway. When I got back on the boat I had to puke overboard and fish came to the surface to eat my leftovers. Blue ones with a yellow stripe on their back.

I thought it was funny, so I had to laugh (and puke at the same time).

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